Thursday, July 22, 2010
Ergonomics (Product description and Idea Trigger) [My design]

Ergonomics (Product description and Idea Trigger)

Monday, July 12, 2010
Ergonomics II
2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ergonomics I - Group Summary
Consolidated points:
State your observations
- Chair not adjustable to lean back (discomfort)
- Computer too far away (strain eyes)
- Lighting too bright & Conducts heat from the bulb easily (lamp cannot be moved or adjusted)
- Too much things on the table (untidy)
- Cannot move around or rest comfortably
- Angle of view from the laptop is too low (strains his neck, need to find something extra to suit his comfort)
- Things on the table are left untidily (occupies unneeded space and cannot find the things that he needs)
- Cramp seat (harder to move around on the seat)
- Puts the keyboard on the table (takes up unnecessary space)
- Armrests are high, which does not provide the use of an armrest.
- Chair goes along with the person when he leans back or goes in front (saving the hassle and comfort)
- Chair adjustable to height and depth.
- Chair is easy to move forward and lift it higher (suitable for the eye view)
- Lamp is adjustable and has a small platform (easier to move towards a suitable place)
- Not too bright (does not generate as much heat and based on the video, probably does not generate heat on the outer layer of the whole lamp)
- Little things on the table (neat and can relax comfortably)
- Special laptop holder to adjust height of the laptop holder and can connect a keyboard to type)
- There is an “Access Rail” where many things can be kept on that rail (neat and tidy)
- Wide seat (easier to move around in the seat)
- Has a sliding platform below the table to put the keyboard (saves space on the table)
- Armrests are adjustable (fulfill its uses and makes it more convenient)
Work place preferred and why:
Teoh Yun:
The man on the right has a neat, comforting and more space environment compared to the man on the left which has a messy table and an uncomfortable chair.
Workplace 2 is much better than workplace 1. Some considerations are the body, whether it has a 90 degrees angle of the knees, wrists and back straight when typing and no neck strain. It is better to have a learning environment to work or study.
The second workplace is definitely better. The reasons are that they provide much better desk instruments that provide comfort and easy working. It gives a very good workflow that improves productivity of any staff using that work desk. e.g the chair has adjustable armrests so when you need to take a sip of drink from your mug, it can be lifted up and the best part is that you can lean down.
Su En:
The 2nd workplace is better as the chair can lean backwards, there is enough space on the chair, the armrests can be adjusted makes it very comfortable compared to the 1st workplace’s lousy chair. The 1st workplace’s armrests are too high and is unable to adjust the height well. plus the seat is camp and he can barely do his work well. Plus the lightings at the 2nd’s work place are too bright and are pointing in the wrong direction making it hard to work well and at the 2nd work place, the direction of the light and computer can be adjusted in terms of height and distance while the 1st workplace cant.
Considerations that should be taken:
- Take note of the item’s function
- The user’s comfort
- Feasible to use at a certain place
- 90 degrees angle of the knees, wrists and back straight when typing
- No neck strain
- Comfort and Simplicity
- Incorrect Height and Depth
- Task Lighting
- Freedom of Movement
- Prolonged Laptop use
- easy to use
- Durable
- More convenient
Why is Ergonomics important when designing:
Su En:
Compare various workplaces and find out the differences and how it benefits the user and how it creates some inconvenience to them. This way you can design your product to be better and create the selling points to the companies.
It is important to have a better learning environment to work or study.
Teoh Yun:
The efficiency of the worker also depends on the comfort of the workplace.
It is important because the Ergonomics of a product can determine the safety of a person because a person can get injured if proper ergonomics are not in place in the office etc. it can also provide a proper posture for whoever is using the product.
Ergonomics I
Let's give them each a name first, so it is easier to identify them. Let's take the guy on the right Dan and the guy on the Danny. Dan's work place is neat and tidy, with his things properly arranged, the keyboard put on a sliding platform underneath his table and have various gadgets that makes his life easier for him. While in Danny's work place, his keyboard is on the table and he has a cramp seat, making it harder to work and increases his discomfort.
2. Which workplace is preferred? State with reasons why one workplace is preferred over the other.
4. Why do you think that Ergonomics is important when designing?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
My room for the elderly

Elderly Challenge - Observation 4
Elderly Challenge - Observation 3
There should be parks etc near the house and stuff like these so that they have places to meet around. Void decks with tables, parks etc. I think that the Government should encourage Mahjong within the Community Clubs, but they will play without money, and maybe have other stuff instead. Like maybe will play for leisure but once in a while have a competition. It will help to exercise their minds and let them pass time, meet new friends etc. The Government should also encourage gardening. They can have pots of flowers, vegetables etc around the house.
Elderly Challenge - Observation 2
The floors of the toilet are wet after a bathe etc, then when the elderly enter the bathroom, it is very easy for them to trip and fall. When they fall, they might suffer serious injuries. So, to prevent things like that, we can either have handles around the bathroom making it easier for them, or else have a floor mat in the toilet also. Having a floor mat in the toilet makes it better in a way that the handle might not be able to withstand the weight if they trip or they wont get their feet way and leave foot prints all over the floor when they leave the bathroom.
Elderly Challenge - Observation 1
The elderly are cooped up at home and have nothing to do, but yet they are not willing to go to the community centers to take part in some of the activities and stay at home. But yet they are very bored and start to try to do some things like see what the others are doing, and making sure that I do my homework and things like that. They are really bored but have nothing to do. Is there a way to make sure that all types of the elderly (don't like to go out, likes sewing etc) can take part in at least one activity that can keep them occupied? Like for my grandmother, she like sewing using the old type of sewing machine, but there are hardly classes teaching them how to sew beautiful patterns on the blankets and bags and stuff. And even if there is, after they sew they have no where to bring it to, and it ends up at home. When there are getting more and more and we can find no one to give it away, it becomes a burden. They should have a course in the Community Club for the elderly to give all the stuff that they can make etc then they can help to give it to the needy etc.
ADMT Holiday Hmwrk Part 1
- Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.
- State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly.
- State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of the elderly care here in Singapore is affordable.
- After reading the CAI report, what are the three things that you, as a SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
LEAP Week - NEWater Visit
a) How NEWater is made.
b) Why should we conserve water
c) How do we use NEWater
2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today during the visit.
a) I've learnt that the 4 mains sources of water are: local catchment water, imported water, desalinated water and NEWater
b) I learnt the approximated percentage of water we are receiving from each source. NEWater (now) -> 15%, Local Catchment water -> 10% Desalinated water -> 10% and imported water -> remaining = 75%
Note: unknown source, and may be inaccurate.
3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?
a) That NEWater can only be for sample and not for daily consumed water.
4. What are the things that you can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?
a) I can value, conserve and enjoy water.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Personal Reflection (8th Mar 2010)
(a) I learnt that the customers' point is very important, we ourselves think it is good is not enough. We need advice from customers and should not neglect their point.
(b) The design needs to be creative and new so that it will spark the interest in other people
(c) We can explore other products and find out their good points and try to combine them into one good design.
2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today pertaining to design and describe why is it important in design?
(a) We need to design not only the appearance but how it works, like the tubes inside etc to give the constructor/producer a clearer mind in what to do.
(b) Need to look at safety precautions at all times. To design a thing, you have to ALWAYS consider safety. Safety always comes first before quality.
3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?
I have learnt that designing things are never easy as it is not that you just thought of it and draw. You still need to make a lot of precautions. Need to make market research, etc.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Photography (people)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection
What are the attitude that an ADMT student should have?
What are you aspiration as an ADMT student?
How do you think you can achieve your aspiration?